Employee Spotlights

A culinary server’s journey to campus leadership



Photo of Paige WeaverAs a nonprofit where people make lifelong careers, we are committed to helping each employee grow into his or her optimum role. Allow us to introduce you to Paige Weaver, who shares her journey.

Paige’s story

I recently celebrated 11 years within Presbyterian Homes & Services (PHS). I started my journey as a server — what I intended to be a summer job before going away for college.

However, I fell in love with the role and the mission of enriching the lives of older adults. When I went away to college, I would drive home every weekend to serve at Croixdale in Bayport, Minn.

‘Fell in love with the role and the mission’

Between classes, I would serve as often as I could so that I could continue the bond with the residents. Eventually, I graduated from Hamline University and began working as a paralegal for various law firms. However, that didn’t stop me from continuing to serve on the weekends.

After about 4 years, I found an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. I started full-time as an administrative receptionist at Croixdale, where I would further live out the mission of serving older adults.

During this time, the pandemic hit; I was able to use my social skills to be a listening ear for residents who were unable to see their loved ones.

‘A great opportunity to grow into leadership’

Fast forward two years: I had an opportunity to become the resident services director at Lexington Landing in St. Paul, a new PHS community at the time. This was a great opportunity for me to grow into leadership, while I was studying for a master’s degree in health care administration at the University of Wisconsin-Stout.

Next, I gained the opportunity to serve as home care services coordinator, returning to Croixdale. This was a challenge that I was ready to fulfill with my knowledge and experience. A few months later, I was invited to apply for the campus administrator role.

‘I was strongly encouraged’

Croixdale has always been my second home. I couldn’t pass up this opportunity, and I was strongly encouraged by staff, residents and families to take this leap. Although I was nervous and was just completing my education, I decided to apply and let God take it into his hands. To my surprise, I became the campus administrator in January of this year and graduated with a 4.0 grade point average.

I’m so grateful every day to continue to serve the residents at Croixdale and help staff with growth opportunities and PHS education assistance, just like I was able to take advantage of.

Learn more about Education Assistance

Because employees are the most important resource in our ministry, we offer Education Assistance Scholarships, Nursing Loan Forgiveness and Partnership Tuition Discounts. Learn more about the benefits of our education assistance.

Interested in a PHS career?

Like Paige, you could also help enrich the lives of older adults, working at a PHS community near you. We always have a wide range of positions open in Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin, for a variety of careers. Whether you’re starting out, at mid-career level or looking for a post-retirement career, we encourage you to apply to join our team at preshomes.org/careers and follow our blog.



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