
Bible verses to shape our mission



Light for the Way devotional seriesWe invite you to take a peek inside our weekly Light for the Way devotional series provided for staff. Today’s message was read aloud in employee huddles. If you are connected to Presbyterian Homes & Services as a resident, client, family member or volunteer, you are welcome to participate in the invitation below. Thank you!

Today we highlight the invitation that was shared last month by Pastor Chris Wheatley, our senior director of pastoral care services. He asked us to take a fresh look at our biblical framework — the selected Scriptures that guide our ministry.

Not only do they guide our ministry, but they also invite us to better understand God’s character and love. By reflecting on these Scriptures, we are reminded that just like those we serve, we are God’s beloved children.

And so, all employees are invited to take a fresh look at the biblical framework and share your feedback. This isn’t a task for pastors or chaplains alone.

Remember Jesus’ first disciples. They were not scholars but worked to provide goods and services to the people around them. They understood the challenges and joys of daily life with their neighbors. Jesus chose ordinary people to spread his word and love for others. Sound familiar?

Pastor Chris invited us to think and pray about our biblical framework from the perspective of PHS values. He also recommended Scripture verses that are clear and relevant to our challenges and opportunities.

So, which Scriptures influence your service at Presbyterian Homes & Services (PHS)? Which Scriptures best speak to how we should shape our ministry?

If you need a little inspiration, consider Dave Rustad’s example. PHS caught up with Dave, a senior communication specialist, and asked about what motivated him to contribute a suggestion to our biblical framework.

Pointing to Genesis 1:27, Dave explained, “Scripture tells us every person we serve bears the image of God. One’s infinite value comes from God. To me, that feels like a foundational pillar for our ministry.”

Just like Dave, please consider and pray about our biblical framework and suggest any changes, additions and feedback to your supervisor or to Pastor Chris Wheatley at [email protected] before April 1.

Thank you for partnering with us in this mission and ministry!

The Light for the Way series provides staff with an examination of a biblical reading to deepen our focus on scripture. Thank you for engaging with this series as we seek wisdom through prayer and reflection as a Christian ministry.



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